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19. Pundak 20. בת שם

Yedidya Israel asked:

Shalom Rav.

I hardly understand how to refer the interpretation of "VaYehi Tochen"/"VeZar'o Kenachal Shotef" to Shimshon - Mashiach Hash-m. I see in Ben Yehoyada that he understands it Kipshuto. I don't think it can be answered with "Me'et Hash-m Hayta Zot" in reference to Gilui Arayot/Eshet Ish. In first place it was said for marrying Bat-El-Nechar not to Eshet-Ish.

-- Yedidya Israel, System Administrator.

The Kollel replies:

Here the verse also is not referring to a Jewish Eshes Ish, but rather to foreign women, as Shimshon was captured in the hands of the foreigners, and he was not Mechuyav to give his life for this.