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1. Tashlumin for the Korbanos of Pesach 2. Gezeirah Shavah Mufneh 3. Chiyuv Korban Re'i'ya and Chagigah
4. Rebbi Yochanan Citing Rebbi Yishmael 5. Hillel's Answer to Bar Hei Hei

aaron gal asked:

Harav, Shalom

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Reading Daf Teit in Masechet Hagiga, it is not clear to me what is Gezera Shava Mufna. I am using Artscroll the Hebrew version, and so far no problem, until I got to this section.


aaron gal, NJ USA

The Kollel replies:

Here is what we wrote about this in our Background to the Daf.

Best wishes,

Kollel Iyun Hadaf


3) [line 22] MUFNEI - are they free (are the words being used for the Gezeirah Shavah not used to teach anything else) (GEZEIRAH SHAVAH)
(a) In the Introduction to the Sifra (the Halachic Midrash to Vayikra), Rebbi Yishmael lists thirteen methods that Chazal use for extracting the Halachah from the verses of the Torah. One of them is Gezeirah Shavah, which is a Halachic device by which two similar words in the Torah from different subjects teach that laws from one subject apply to the other.
(b) A sage is only permitted to use the method of Gezeirah Shavah if he received a tradition from his teachers that a Gezeirah Shavah exists between the two words. However, the comparison that he makes regarding which laws are applied from one subject to the other may be his own, if he did not learn it directly from his teachers.
(c) MUFNEH MI'SHENEI TZEDADIM - If two similar words in the Torah are free of any Derashah, they may be used unconditionally for the inference of a Gezeirah Shavah between the two topics.
(d) MUFNEH MI'TZAD ECHAD - If only one of the words is free, there is a Machlokes whether they may be used unconditionally for the inference of a Gezeirah Shavah (Lemedin v'Ein Meshivin), or if they can only be used for a Gezeirah Shavah if we have no logical argument against learning the Gezeirah Shavah (Lemedin u'Meshivin).
(e) EINO MUFNEH KOL IKAR - If both words are used for another Derashah, there is a Machlokes whether they can only be used for a Gezeirah Shavah if we have no logical argument not to learn the Gezeirah Shavah, or if they cannot be used at all for a Gezeirah Shavah.