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4. Da'as Rav 5. Rashi D"H Batar denaiche; 6. Vineyard
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10. Gezeirah Shavah 11. שיטת רב 12. ברש"י ז"ל ד"ה בתר דנייחי
13. סתירה בפירוש רש"י

Patricia Heil asked:

This weekend R. Grossman went through Bava Kamma 6b and 7a/b where it discusses using the best "of one's field" to pay damages, middling land to pay debts and the worst land to pay a ketubbah. Since the verse says "one's field and one's vineyard," does that mean the land has to have a crop in the ground?

The Kollel replies:

The land does not need to have a crop. The Torah merely uses these terms to designate land.

Dov Freedman