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10. סוריא כא"י

Aryeh Leibowitz asks:

Yasher koach on your website. It's a valuable resource.

On the insight section in Gittin 6a - I think the last line might need to read Rabah in place of Rava.

where he implies that the Halachah follows the opinion of (Rava)[Rabah].

Aryeh Leibowitz

The Kollel replies:

Aryeh, you are correct. In a few of the places cited on that last line, Rashi writes that the reason one has to say "b'Fanai" is that they are not expert in Lishmah. Rashi later in Gitin (9a) writes that in Eretz Yisrael they certainly are Beki'in Lishmah, which also implies that Rashi holds that the Halachah follows Rabah.

Many thanks for your correction,

Dovid Bloom