More Discussions for this daf
1. Tosfos "V'Ein Davar Achar Kortah" 2. Ein Kesef Superfluous? 3. b'Ne'ure'ha Beis Aviha
4. bi'Ne'ureha Beis Aviha 5. Rashi DH Mipnei she'Darko 6. Amah Ivriyah Ailonis
7. Father marrying off his daughter 8. Rashi DH d'Avahu 9. Excluding Chupah
10. d'Ika Plugta 11. Insights to the Daf - Chupah Koneh 12. Chalitzah of a Married Woman
13. "Al Kol Mayim" 14. Kinyan Chalipin 15. למעוטי חופה
16. דאיכא פלוגתא

Jerome Ormonde asked:

On daf 3b the gemoro is searching for a source for the fact that a father can marry off his daughter and that he gets the money. The gemoro brings down Rav Huna Omar Rav"Vechi Yimkor ish es bito leama" and uses it to show that "Neureha beis aviha" must teach us something else.

My Question is: doesnt the posuk that rav Huna Omar rav brings down show us exactly what we are searching for- that the father has what belongs to her!

Jerome Ormonde, London, England

The Kollel replies:

Although the father may sell her for an Amah, it does not necessarily follow that he may marry her off.

D. Zupnik