Hi, good morning I would be very happy if you can explaine me the rashi ''mipnei sh'darko l'agdil b'kol hamaim. and what is hasmajta that speaks of overhere.
thank you, and gut shabes!.
shniur, Bs As, Argentina
Here is a translation of the Rashi. I have highlighted the main point of Rashi in bold; the rest is the Derashah of the Gemara in Rosh Hashanah:
Mipnei sheDarko Ligadel Al Kol Mayim. [This is the type of produce] which one waters [also] with drawn water, like a vegetable, since this is the reason regarding vegetables, as the Gemara states in Rosh Hashanah 14a: The Torah writes "Goren v'Yekev" with regard to Ma'aser -- "k'Dagan Min ha'Goren...." Just as Goren v'Yekev are unique in that they grow on much water -- i.e., on rainwater exclusively -- and are Ma'asered according to the previous year (as the Gemara states in Rosh Hashanah 12b, that we follow the year in which they grew a third rather than by when they are picked (something that we learn from the verses)), so, too, whatever grows on much water, such as trees (even though their Ma'aser is only mid'Rabanan, the Chachamim attached it to a verse as if it was min ha'Torah). This precludes vegetables which grow on all water -- on drawn water as well as on rain-water, which are Ma'asered according to the following year (when they are picked).
I hope this helps to clarify the Rashi.
B'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler