More Discussions for this daf
1. Searching the Chametz, or for the Chametz? 2. Ran on the Rif 3. Order of the Questions About Ohr
4. Shakla v'Tarya of Gemara 5. rashi DH Hachi Ka'amar about Machteres 6. The list of proofs
7. Not a Mishnah or Beraisa 8. The Light of the 'World to Come' 9. Halachos
10. Ran on the Rif 11. Redundancy 12. כוכבים המאירם ולא כל הכוכבים
13. גרסאות רש"י

Mendy Kaplowitz asked:

Two questions:

1. if you did bedika without bitul and it turned out that you missed some chametz will you be oiver baal yiroeh or not?

2. erev pesach before chatzos you walk in the street and you see a piece of bread that's hefker can you make a bracha on biur chametz and be mikayim a mitzvah?

Mendy Kaplowitz

The Kollel replies:

Shalom and thanks for your questions.

1. If the Chometz was hidden, there is no Bal Yera'eh, but there is Bal Yi'motzei. See Gemora 5b, and Rashi 21a D"H V'ee Tana.

2. If the Chometz is Hefker and not in your possession, you have no Mitzvah to do Bi'ur. The only way you can have an obligation to do Bi'ur (and recite the brochah) is if you somehow acquire ownership. This of course is forbidden, since for those moments until you destroy it, the Chometz is in your possession.

Kol tuv.

Y. Landy