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4. Chupah according to Rambam 5. Kashya of the Gemara from the Mishnah on 57a 6. Dam Besulim
7. Choshen Mishpat Siman 5 8. Reb Yosef and the Mishnah that was Not Taught 9. Shakdu
10. ha'Besulah 11. Chupah of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur 12. Feeding an Arusah Terumah after 12 months
13. Mishnayos of Kesuvos Relevant to First Perek 14. Age of Besulah 15. Beis Din sits on "Monday" and Thursday
16. Chupas Nidah 17. the mishna 18. Proof of virginity
19. רש"י ד"ה אוכלות בתרומה

Gershon asks:


Why did we not learn Habetula like Haisha in Kedushin? Was it because there it was referring to a specific case the Yevamot?

Gershon, Cote Saint Luc Canada

The Kollel replies:

Dear Gershon,

Tosfos explains that the Mishna uses the prefix Ha (the) when the word used is in a Pasuk, such as Ishah and Yevamah. In such cases, when the Mishnah explains that Pasuk, it says "The...".

The word Besulah is not mentioned in the Torah concerning marriage. That is why the Mishnah does not call her "The Besulah."

All the best,

Reuven Weiner