
What is the meaning of "Iti mi'Levanon Kalah"?


Rashi: When you will be exiled from this Levanon, you will be exiled with Me, for I will be exiled with you.


Seforno: Even though you do not dwell in My house, rather, you are like a Kalah (Arusah) out of My house, turn to Me. Do not be concerned if the Mikdash, with all its height, it is not like cedars of Levanon.


Malbim (Melitzah): From now, He will not separate from her. He calls her Kalah, for now He betrothed the dear Nefesh to be designated for the Shechinah to be constantly on her. He will always be in Levanon (Beis ha'Mikdash), which whitens the blackness of the Nefesh. This is the open forest to which the Nefesh will go out of her confine, like I wrote regarding "Koros Bateinu Arazim" (refer to 1:17:1:3). From there, the Kalah will go with Him.


Malbim (Melitzah, citing Midrash ha'Nel'am): Refer to 4:8:2:3.


Malbim (Melitzah, citing the Zohar): From the Mikdash above.


What is the meaning of "Iti mi'Levanon Tavo'i"?


Rashi: When you will come [back] from Galus, I will return with you. Also all days of the Galus, I am pained in your affliction. It does not say Iti la'Levanon Tavo'i, for that would imply that I am with you only from when you leave Galus. Rather, I am with you from when you leave here until you return to here, wherever you will go.


Seforno: Wherever I mention My name [come]!


Malbim (Melitzah, citing Midrash ha'Nel'am): This refers to the Neshamah. Come with Me to rise to the spiritual dwelling from level to level. Bnos Tziyon and Yerushalayim, i.e. physical powers and desire, cannot cease this dear connection.


Why does it say "Tashuri me'Rosh Amanah"?


Rashi #1: When I will gather your dispersed, you will contemplate and see the reward of your actions, e.g. your initial belief in Me, "Lechtech Acharai ba'Midbar" (Yirmeyah 2:2], and your journeys and encampments based on Me.


Rashi #2: Amanah is a mountain on the northern border of Eretz Yisrael. In a Beraisa it is called Turei Amnon (Gitin 8a). This is Hor ha'Har - "Min ha'Yam ha'Gadol Tesa'u Lachem Hor ha'Har" (Bamidbar 34:7). When the exiles are gathered and reach there, they look from there and see the border of Eretz Yisrael and its air, and they rejoice and thank. Therefore it says Tashuri (an expression of singing).


Seforno: Remove sins from the land from the top of Amanah


What are "me'Rosh Snir v'Chermon me'Me'onos Arayos [me'Harerei Nemarim]"?


Rashi: [You came to] the top of Snir and Chermon, which were lairs of lions - Sichon and Og.


Seforno: From there and outside are the dwellings of Kena'anim, who are like tearing beasts.


Malbim (Melitzah): There Hashem did wonders, and also they were constantly in the Beis ha'Mikdash. The Shechinah began to dwell there miraculously, unlike the norm, i.e. via preparation and merit.


Malbim (Melitzah, citing the Zohar): In the future, they will receive My Torah. Chachamim who engage in Torah are lions and tigers. All powers scattered among different animals are gathered in man's Nefesh. When the Midah of Gevurah overpowers, he is called a lion; when Azus overpowers, he is called a tiger. Chachamim said, be Az like a tiger and strong like a lion to do the will of your Father in Shamayim (Avos 5:20). The fire from above crouched like a lion (Yuma 21b) and consumed Korbanos. I.e. bodily powers were made submissive via passionate flame of Avodah and the strength in it, they served and clung to their king.


Malbim (Mashal): She is far from the tops of Snir and Chermon. One cannot ascend them due to their great height, and because lions dwell there.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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