
Who is "Ru'ach Apeinu Mashi'ach Hashem"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: Mashi'ach Hashem is like the breath of our mouths.


Rashi: It is Yoshiyah, like it says "va'Ykonen Yirmeyah Al Yoshiyah 1 " (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 35:25). Rid - Pharaoh Necho killed him.


Ibn Ezra: It is Tzidkiyah. Melech Bavel appointed him over Yerushalayim, and he was at the end of the Galus. Ri Kara #1 - It says "va'Yasigu Es Tzidkiyah b'Arvos Yerecho


Ibn Ezra: This is wrong. The afflictions came after Yoshiyah died, and here it says "Tam Avonech" (22)! (What is difficult if our verse laments Yoshiyah's death, which led to the other afflictions? - PF) Refer to 4:20:1:3.


Indeed, this implies that it is not Yoshiyah. How does the verse implies that it is not Tzidkiyah? Why is Gedalyah called Mashi'ach Hashem if Nebuchadnetzar appointed him? (PF)


What is the meaning of "Nilkad bi'Shchisoseihem"?


Rav Sadya Gaon, Rashi: He was caught in the pits that they hid for him. Ibn Ezra - this is like "b'Shachtam Nispas" (Yechezkel 19:8).

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