
What is the meaning of "ha'Chol ha'Yom [Yacharosh]"?


Rashi: This is said in astonishment. Therefore, Chataf Patach is under the Hei.


Targum Yonasan: At all times, Nevi'im prophesize to teach - perhaps sinners' ears will open, and they will accept. Refer to 28:28:2:2.


Malbim: Just like every person, illnesses and pains must come upon him in the days of his growth and sprouting, e.g. when teeth sprout. This was with great Hashgachah, so man will recognize that there is another world, and he was created for another purpose higher than perfection in this world. Chovos ha'Levavos explained so in Sha'ar ha'Keni'ah. Hashem chose Yisrael for His treasured nation; they had to endure affliction, and refinement like silver in a furnace, to remove the dross of lust and the dregs of physicality, and strengthen the powers of intellect and the Nefesh. This was the purpose of all the exiles, especially Galus Mitzrayim 1 .


Malbim: The Navi lists three parts of plowing. (a) Yacharosh - one must remove thorns and matters that block the growth of grain - "Niru Lachem Nir v'Al Tizre'u El Kotzim." (b) Yefatach - he must open the ground to receive the seeds. (c) Yesaded - he must crush the clamps to make it a Sadeh. Similarly in the Nefesh - (a) one must remove thorns, i.e. lusts and evil images of youth. They block Chachmah and Musar from sprouting. (b) He must open the powers of the Nefesh via good Midos and ethical images. (c) He must crush the clamps and rocks that cannot be seeded. To do this, Hashem sends afflictions on the nation to crush physicality to remove lusts and bad Midos. Just like plowing is only in order to seed, so afflictions are only so the nation will accept Chachmah and fear. Once they repent, the affliction will cease.


What is the relevance of plowing?


Rashi: One who plows in order to seed - does he plow forever?! Also the Nevi'im rebuke you to improve your ways - will they forever rebuke without benefit?!


Radak: Kel's Mishpatim and Mitzvos via the Nevi'im are compared to plowing and seeding 1 . One who plows in order to seed, he plows only part of the day. Refer to 28:24:3:2.


Malbim: The Nefesh is compared to a field, that its seeds sprout. Its potential is to produce grain, if it is worked properly. So the Nefesh's potential is to grow wise and acquire happiness, if they will seed Chachmah and knowledge in it. If one does not work land, it will be barren. So a Nefesh that is not plowed and seeded, or if it is full of thorns, will not produce. We find "Niru Lachem Nir" (Yirmeyah 4:3), "Al Sadeh Ish Atzel Avarti" (Mishlei 24:30). Refer to 28:24:1:2*.


Radak: In the Nimshal, Hashem is the Choresh. The land is Yisrael. He made them proper to receive seeds, i.e. His words. He took them out of Egypt, which is like an uncultivated field; it grows thorns. Their deeds in Egypt were bad like thorns. He sent Moshe and Aharon and other Nevi'im - "Ish Shikutzei Einav Hashlichu uv'Gilulei Mitzrayim Al Titama'u" (Yechezkel 20:7). He did wonders until they believed. He brought them out with silver and gold, and struck their enemies with Makos. He showed to them a cloud and fire, took them through the sea, and drowned Pharaoh and his army. They said "all that Hashem said, we will do and hear" (Shemos 24:7).


What is the meaning of "Yefatach vi'Ysaded Admaso"?


Rashi citing Tanchuma: Will he never seed, just forever he will open the land with plowing tools?! Yefatach is making wife furrows; afterwards, Yesaded (he makes small furrows).


Radak: He releases his oxen (removes the yoke from them) and crushes the clumps of earth. Vi'Ysaded is going in his Sadeh (field) and crushing the clumps where he finds them.


Malbim: Refer to 28:24:1:2*.

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