
Why did he say "va'Yamas Tachtav"?


Rashi: Had they left him in his place, he would have died of hunger automatically. They did evil to hasten his death!


Radak: Due to hunger, he is close to die Tachtav, i.e. in his place.


Why does it say "Mipnei ha'Ra'av"?


Radak: As long as he was in Chatzer ha'Matarah, people saw him and had mercy on him. Also refer to 38:9:3:1. Since he is in the pit, people do not see or sense him. He will die in the pit from hunger!


What is the meaning of "Ein ha'Lechem Od ba'Ir"?


Radak: Bread is found only with difficulty, but it did not totally cease. The king commanded to give to him a loaf every day from outside the bakers, until the bread ceases!

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