
Why does it say "Hineni Al ha'Nevi'im"?


Radak: I am against them to eradicate them. Also Yonason translates 'behold, I will send My anger.' So he translates every Hineni in the Parshah.


Malbim: [I am against them] to punish them.


What is the meaning of "Meganvei Devarai Ish me'Es Re'ehu"?


Rashi: People have spies by the Nevi'ei Emes to hear the style in which they prophesize, and they say false Nevu'ah in the same style 1 , e.g. Chananyah ben Azur 2 .


Radak: Some false Nevi'im heard words of a Navi Emes about the nations, like Yirmeyah prophesized about the nations, and they went to the people and tell them 'so said Hashem about Amon', and the content of the Nevu'ah was like Yirmeyah told his Talmidim in his house. [False Nevi'im] did so in order that people will believe them when they say in the name of Hashem 'you will have Shalom.' Chachamim (Sanhedrin 89a) said about this, 'one who prophesizes what was not said to him [is Chayav Misah bi'Ydei Adam]' - this implies that it was said to his colleague, like the case of Chananyah (refer to 23:30:2:1**).


Malbim: This is one of the three divisions of false Nevi'im at the time. Also refer to 23:31:2:3. The third is prophets of false dreams.


Rashi: Chananyah heard Yirmeyah prophesize in the upper market "I will break the bow of Eilam" (49:35), and [based on this] Chananyah prophesized in the lower market "I will break the yoke of Melech Bavel" (28:2), like it says in Sanhedrin (89a). Radak, from Sanhedrin 89a - he made a Kal va'Chomer. Eilam (Madai) only came to help Bavel (afflict Yisrael), yet Hashem will destroy them. All the more so He will destroy the Bavli'im themselves! The Gemara asked that this was not said to any Navi! It answered that since we may expound Kal va'Chomer, it is as if it was said to Yirmeyah.

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