
What is the meaning of "ha'Umnam"?


Rashi: This is said in astonishment. Radak - can this be?! (Can You be contained in a place?!)


Malbim: Through fulfilling Your promise to David, it is possible for You to dwell primarily below! Refer to 8:27:2:1.


Is this connected to what he said above?


Malbim: Yes. The Beis ha'Mikdash and Malchus Beis David are each causes of the other. Hashem chose the place to make His Shechinah dwell in the merit of David, and after He chose Tziyon, He supervised to establish Beis David for the sake of the Bayis - "Kumah Hashem li'Mnuchasecha


What is the meaning of "Lo Yechalkelucha"?


Rashi: Lo Yachilucha (it cannot contain You).


What results from knowing that no place can contain Hashem?


Radak: The Bayis will not contain You. It is like a metaphor - Your desire and honor are found here, to hear prayers said here. The Bayis is like an advocating angel!


Malbim: Hashem dwelling on the land is a mere metaphor for His fixed Hashgachah there, to hear prayer and supervise the needs of His people. He is the place of the world. The world is not His place!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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