
Why does it say "bi'Fro'ach"?


Radak: Resha'im succeed quickly. They are compared to grass; it also dries quickly. Tzadikim are compared to date trees and cedars (they do not grow quickly, but they endure).


Lev Eliyahu (Shemos p.88): This is why the Ba'ar does not understand. He sees Resha'im sprout, and does not consider that in the end, they will be permanently destroyed.


How is the success of Resha'im in order to destroy them?


Rashi: He pays His haters, to make them lose. Radak - for their few good deeds in this world, He pays their reward in this world, to make them lose the world to come, which is "Adei Ad." So Moshe said - "u'Meshalem l'Son'av El Panav Leha'avido 1 " (Devarim 7:10).


Radak: Questions about this remain; Moshe asked Hashem why some Tzadikim prosper and others suffer, and why some Resha'im prosper and others suffer; Hashem said "v'Chanosi Es Asher Achon v'Richamti Es Asher Arachem" (Shemos 33:19) - even if he is not worthy (Brachos 7a). This is "Mah Gadlu Ma'asecha Hashem Me'od Amku Machshevosecha" (verse 6).

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