
Why does it say "Hine Hashem"?


Rashi: He rules over everything.


What is the meaning of "Yorishenah"?


Rashi: This is an expression of "Morish u'Ma'ashir" (Shmuel I, 2:7). Malbim - he impoverished it from its wealth.


Radak: He impoverished it from all its grandeur.


Radak (5): He expelled it. This is like "Morish Osam Mipanecha" (Devarim 18:12). Targum Yonasan is 'will cut it off.'


How did He strike its wealth with the sea?


Rashi: He made the sea swallow it. He brought the sea against it and sank it, like it says in Yechezkel (26:19). Radak - when it will recall all this, it will be humbled in the days of Mashi'ach. Even though its residents in those days are not those who dwelled there in earlier days, the matters of Tzor was known to all. It was written in Nevi'im, and it was written [in records of] those who dwell there now, and were there at the time.


Why does it say "v'Hi ba'Esh Te'achel"?


Radak (5), Malbim: The wealth sank, but fire will consume the city itself - its buildings and fortified towers in which it trusted.

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