
Why does the Torah write "Kol Osei Eileh" and not "Oseh Kol Eileh"?


Rashi: To teach us that it is not necessary to transgress all of the above in order to be called an abomination; even just one of them will suffice.


Ramban: Because although most of the cases are To'eivah, not all of them are. 1


Ramban: "Me'onein" and "Menachesh" are not abominations, because 'Who does not dabble in these things, in order to discover the future before it takes place'? See Ramban from DH 've'Atah' until the end of the Pasuk, who discusses Kishuf in depth.


Why are people who do these things abominable?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because in their wisdom, they work to negate Divine decrees 1 using the powers of Tum'ah which deny (negate) the Heavenly Household'.


As Chazal have said 'Witchcraft


Why does Hashem enable the spirits of Tum'ah to foretell the future?


Rashbam (in Pasuk 13): In order to test Yisrael.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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