
After issuing the warning about the plague of hail, why did Moshe advise the people to gather the animals and the people under cover?


Ramban: Because the objective of the Barad was to destroy the crops, not the animals and people. 1


Seforno: In order to save the slaves who shepherded the flocks. 2


Ramban: And the warning was an act of pity on the part of Hashem, to save them from destruction. See Tehilim 25:8. Also refer to 9:19:151:1, and 9:10:1.1:1.


Seforno: As the Mishnah says in Pirkei Avos (3:14), 'Man is beloved, since he is created in the Image of Hashem.'


Since the plague was due to begin only 'tomorrow,' why did Moshe advise the Egyptians to gather the animals and the people immediately?


Oznayim la'Torah: Presumably, he was worried about those who tended to the animals far away from the town. 1


Oznayim la'Torah: As in the Mishnah in Beitzah 40a.


Why did Hashem constantly divulge his plans to Pharaoh, something that human kings don't do?


Rashi (to Iyov 36:22): Because, as opposed to a human king, who needs to hide his plans from his enemies to prevent them from utilizing their knowledge to outwit him, Hashem knows that nobody can upset His plans, so He has no reason to conceal them. By revealing them, on the contrary, in addition to demonstrating His superiority, He provided Pharaoh with the opportunity to do Teshuvah.


Why did Hashem warn Pharaoh to bring in his animals? Wasn't His whole aim to strike Pharaoh with Makos? And if Hashem wished to spare the animals, why didn't He warn to bring them in before Dever as well? (According to Rashi to 9:10, Makas Dever only struck those animals which were presently in the field - refer to 9:3:1:1.)


Moshav Zekenim; Maharal (Gevuros Hashem Ch. 33, p. 125): The primary purpose of the Barad was to break and destroy the trees; 1 any damage to the slaves or animals would be incidental. 2 Therefore, Hashem warned to bring them inside. 3 The very purpose of Dever, on the other hand, was to strike the animals; and as such, no warning was issued. 4


According to the Ramban (refer to 9:3:1:2), Dever indeed killed even the animals in the house.


See 9:19:1:1. Also see Oznayim la'Torah (to 9:25, DH 'va'Yach ha'Barad').


But when Hashem told Moshe to initiate the Makah, He specifies "and there shall be hail... upon man, upon the animals... " (9:22) - which implies that these too were a primary target! - (CS). Midrash Rabah (12:3), also see Malbim (to 9:22) - Once Hashem saw that they did not heed His warning, He said, '[Now,] they deserve to have the Barad fall upon everything!'


Maharal (loc. cit.): This is what caused Pharaoh to later say, "'Hashem is righteous!' (9:27); I realize how Hashem acted righteously with me in this plague.'


Compare to Gur Aryeh (to 9:10); refer to 9:10:1.1:1.

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