
What do we learn from "Ashrei ha'Am Yod'ei Seru'ah"?


Vayikra Rabah (29:4) #1: Five Chachamim enter to [decide whether or not to] add a month to the year. Hashem abandons His Beis Din, descends and constricts His Shechinah among them, for if they err, He will illuminate their faces.


Vayikra Rabah (29:4) #2: They know how to appease their Creator with Teru'ah. He stands from His throne of Din, and goes to His throne of mercy. Rashi - this is on Rosh Hashanah. They arrange, on the Teru'ah 1 , Malchuyos, Zichronos and Shofaros.


Radak: Fortunate are Yisrael - when You desire them, and You rule over them, then they know Your Teru'ah - "Hashem Elokav Imo u'Sru'as Melech Bo" (Bamidbar 23:21). In war, those who overpower their opponents blow Teki'ah and Teru'ah to scare them, like we find in wars written [in Tanach]. Hashem commanded so - "v'Chi Savo'u Milchamah b'Artzechem Al ha'Tzar ha'Tzorer Eschem va'Hare'osem ba'Chatzozeros" (ibid., 10:9). It says about Hashem's Teru'ah "Yari'a Af Yatzri'ach Al Oyvav Yisgabar" (Yeshayah 42:13). This is "u'Sru'as Melech Bo" (our Teru'ah helps like His).


Malbim: Above it discussed the two aspects of Hashem's general conduct. Now it teaches that those do not apply to Hashem's nation. They have an individual Chesed, Emes, Tzedek and Mishpat via Hashgachah. They are connected with their supreme Re'a (close friend) and beloved - "Hashem Elokav Imo u'Sru'as Melech Bo" (Bamidbar 23:21). They draw influence from Him without an intermediary.


Presumably, this refers to saying the verses of Malchuyos, Zichronos and Shofaros in Musaf together with the Teru'os. (PF)


Why does it say "b'Or Panecha Yehalechun"?


Radak: Then they will go in the light of Your face, and not stumble, like now that they go in darkness.

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