
Why was it necessary to assemble all the people and for them to lean their hands on the Levi'im?


Rashi: Since the Levi'im were being given as a Korban Kaparah instead of them, it was fitting for them to stand by their Korban and to lean their hands on it.



Rashi writes that Moshe assembled all the people to stand by their Korban, since the Levi'im were given as a Korban in their place. But they were only in place of the Bechoros?


Moshav Zekenim: The Pasuk often speaks like this - as if it was discussing everybody, even though it is not. 1


Like we find in Bo Sh'mos, 12:6 "ve'Shachatu oso Kol K'hal Adas Yisrael" - even though not everyone Shechts, as the Gemara explains in Kidushin, 41b.

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