
What is the meaning of "Harimah Fe'amecha l'Masu'os Netzach"?


Rashi, based on Menachem: Raise Your agitation and terror, that they should be for Your enemies eternal destruction, for all the evil that the enemy did in the Beis ha'Mikdash. "Fe'amecha" is like "va'Tipa'em Rucho" (Bereishis 41:8). "L'Masu'os" is an expression of Churban, like "Sha'u... Tisha'eh Shemamah" (Yeshayah 6:11).


Radak #1: "Fe'amecha" is like "Holem Pa'am" (Yeshayah 41:7, i.e. an anvil).


Radak #2: "Fe'amecha" is simply Your feet. This is like "Kumah Hashem v'Yafutzu Oyvecha" (Bamidbar 10:35). L'Masu'os is a noun in place of Makor (an infinitive), i.e. Lehash'os (to destroy). Also "l'Mas'os Osah mi'Sharasheha" (Yechezkel 17:9) is like Lehasi. Lift Your feet to bring eternal destruction on every enemy that did evil ba'Kodesh, i.e. in the Beis ha'Mikdash.


Malbim: When the afflicters entered Mikdash Hashem, they roared 'lift Your steps from here - go from here to eternal destruction. Here will always be destroyed. In place of dwelling in the Heichal, dwell in permanent desolation.


Why does it say "Kol Hera Oyev ba'Kodesh"?


Rashi: [Bring eternal destruction on the enemy] for all the evil that the enemy did in the Beis ha'Mikdash.


Radak: The verse should be re-arranged. Kol Oyev Hera ba'Kodesh. Also "Kol Tisa Avon v'Kach Tov" (Hoshe'a 14:3) is like Kol Avon Tisa.


Malbim: The enemy destroyed everything in the Kodesh - "Sha'agu Tzorerecha b'Kerev Mo'adecha" (verse 4).

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