
What are the implications of "u'Meshalem le'Son'av el Panav"?


Rashi, Seforno and Targum Yonasan: It implies that Hashem pays the Rasha in his lifetime 1 in order to deny him life in the world to come. 2


Ramban and Rashbam: It implies that He punishes the Resha'im for their sins, 3 either in their lifetimes or up to four generations. 4


Hadar Zekenim: Hashem pays the Rasha in the world immediately, according to his evil deeds, and then destroys him from this world. 5


Bechor Shor: It implies that, although the merits of Tzadikim exxtend up to a thousand generations, Resha'im are punished 'El Panav' - exclusively them, but their children are not punished unless they sin as well.


Seforno: 'Rasha ve'Tov lo' - either because Hashem does not withhold the reward of any creature or on account of Z'chus Avos.


See Sifsei Chachamim. Refer also to 7:10:2:1.


Ramban: Just as He punished the Egyptians. When a Rasha lives long, it is due to the Midah of "Shomer ha'Chesed" (in the previous Pasuk - inasmuch as Hashem is rewarding him in his lifetime for a good deed that he performed (See Ramban, DH 'veha'Midah ha'Zos'). Citing Koheles Rabah, the Ramban ascribes the longevity of a Rasha to one of three reasons: a. He might do Teshuvah; b. As a reward for a Mitzvah that he performed; c. Perhaps Tzadikim will descend from him. We find that Chizkiyah descended from King Achaz, Yoshiyah from King Amon, and Mordechai from Shim'i ben Gera.


Rashbam: Whereas He rewards the Tzadikim up to a thousand generations, even if their children sin - because 'Hashem's Midah of goodness exceeds His Midah of punishment' five hundred-fold. Refer to Sh'mos 20:6:1:1**


Hadar Zekenim: Since the Navi writes in Yechezkel 33:11 "Shuvu


Having alredy said "u'Meshalem le'Son'av", why doe the Torah insert the word "Lo Ye'acher le'Son'o"?


Eruvin, 22a: In order to extrapolate 'Ha le'Tzadikim Gemurim, Ye'acher' - To teach us that complete Tzadikim receive their reward in the world to come. 1


Refer to 7:11:1:1.


Why does the Torah repeat "le'Son'o El Panav Yeshalem Lo"?


Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: We do not expound the repetition.


Moshav Zekenim #1: The Gemaraa states in Kidushin 39b that if one's sins outweigh one's merits, He will be rewarded for his Mitzvos in this world, and lose the world to come. The first half of the current Pasuk teaches this, wheres the second half discusses a Tzadik [with a minority of Aveiros], with whom Hashem appears to act in this world like a Sonei - punishing him for all his sins in this world, so he will merit the world to come. 1


Moshav Zekenim #2: The entire Pasuk is discussing a Rasha. The first half of the Pasuk teaches us that he is rewarded for his Mitzvos in this world and loses the world to come. The second half, that Hashem pays him immediately, and does not wait until the end of his life.


And that explains why the Pasuk does not add the word 'Leha'avido'.



Rashi writes that the Rasha loses the world to come. But the Gemara states in Rosh Hashanah 17a, that Gehinom will terminate, but heretics and the greatest sinners will not?


Radak (Yeshayah 27:4) and Alei Shor (2, p.303 citing Seforim ha'Kedoshim): The current Pasuk applies only to Nochrim 1 . Rikanti (Sh'mos 33:19) - 'They have no portion in the world to come' 2 means that they do not have their own dwelling and storehouse there, but they all stand means that they do not have their own dwelling and storehouse there, but they all stand together in a group. Alei Shor, citing - the Vilna Gaon explains that nine parts of the Nefesh can be cut off from the world to come, but the tenth cannot be cut off.


Tosfos (Bava Metzi'a 58b DH Chutz): It is specifically heretics are punished forever, even after Gehinom finishes, 3 but not other Resha'im.


Maharal (Bava Metzi'a 58b DH ha'Kol): Some are judged (punished) only until Gehinom finishes. They still exist, but do not come to the world to come 4 .


Some explicitly say that it applies to Jews (Rav Sadya Gaon (ha'Emunos veha'De'os 5 DH v'Kivan), Tosfos ha'Rosh Sanhedrin 37b DH mi'Yom, Me'iri Avos 4:15), and it is almost explicit in Toras ha'Adam Sha'ar ha'Gemul DH v'Im, Rashba Rosh Hashanah 16b DH Ha, SMaK 14. They (and Rashi) could say that he loses most of his share. (PF)


Sanhedrin 90a lists seven sinners who have no portion in the . Those who expound hints [in verses] say that even they (the six Jews among them) come to the world to come (ibid., 104b). R. Moshe Shapiro Ztz"l - surely the Halachah follows them; refer to 7:10:154:2*. Margoliyos ha'Yam (104b, 18)

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