
What is the significance of "Kaf Achas Asarah Zahav"?


Rashi (in Pasuk 20, citing R. Moshe ha'Darshen): It hints at the Torah, which Hashem gave with His Hand and which weighed ten Shekalim 1 , corresponding to the Aseres ha'Dibros 2 .


Ramban (in Pasuk 2, citing Bamidbar Rabah): It corresponds to the ten generations from Peretz (Yehudah's older twin son) till David ha'Melech, all of whom were Tzadikim.


Hadar Zekeinim #1 (on Pasuk 19): It hints at the Aseres ha'Dibros, which Hashem gave to Moshe, Hand to hand.


Hadar Zekeinim #2 (in Pasuk 19) and Moshav Zekeinim (citing R. Yehudah ha'Chasid): "Kaf Achas" hints at one of the hundred (the Gematriyah of 'Chaf') B'rachos that one must recite every day, is worth ten gold pieces. Da'as Zekeinim. 3


Chagigah 23b: The Torah made everything in the spoon one - so that if Tum'ah touched one of the granules, they all become Tamei. 4


Refer to 7:85:1:1 and note.


Da'as Zekeinim: They are full of a pleasant aroma, like the Ketores.


This is the source for the Gemara in Chulin 87a - that the value of Birchas ha'Mazon, which has four B'rachos, is forty gold pieces.


Refer to Vayikra 11:33:152:1-5 & 7:14:151:1-3.. See also Torah Temimah, note 15.


What are the connotations of "Asarah Zahav"?


Sifri: It means that the spoon was made of gold - but the ten Shekalim that it weighed were silver Shekalim, 1 as is evident from the phrase "Kol Z'hav ha'Kapos Esrim u'Me'ah" in Pasuk 86. 2


See Torah Temimah, note 1.


Refer to 7:86:1:1.


What is the significance of "Mele'ah Ketores"?


Rashi (in Pasuk 20, citing R. Moshe ha'Darshen): The Gematriyah of Ketores 1 is six hundred and thirteen - equivalent to the number of Mitzvos.


Ramban (in Pasuk 2, citing Bamidbar Rabah): The ten generations from Peretz until David 2 were full of good deeds, like the fragrance of the Ketores.


Hadar Zekeinim (in Pasuk 19): When the Torah was given, the entire world was filled with fragrant aromas.


Rashi: If one exchanges the 'Kuf ' for a 'Dalet ' - via the method of "A-T, Ba-Sh, Ga -R, Da-K" (where the first letter of the 'Alef' 'Beis' is switched to the last letter, the second, to the second last, and so on).


Refer to 7:14:1:2.


On what grounds were the Nesi'im permitted to bring a. Ketores Nedavah, b. Ketores on the Mizbe'ach ha'Olah and c. a Chatas Nedavah-without having sinned?


Rashi and Ramban: It was a Hora'as Sha'ah (a temporary ruling) - confined to that occasion (to enable them to inaugurate the Mizbe'ach with a cross-section of all the Korbanos - Ramban).


Why do we learn that the Torah made everything in the spoon one from "Kaf Achas" and not from "Ka'aras Kesef Achas" in the previous Pasuk?


Moshav Zekeinim #1 (in Pasuk 20, citing Ri): Because, as opposed to the current Pasuk, which is discussing the Ketores which comprized granules, the bowl contained a Minchah mixed with oil, which is like a liquid, in which case it is obvious that it is all one.


Moshav Zekeinim #2: We cannot learn it from "Mizrak Echad", because, seeing as "Mizrak could be plural - in which case each bowl weighed seventy Shekalim, and "Sheneihem Mele'im" means the bowls and buckets - it is not superfluous. "Kaf Achas" on the other hand, is superfluous, since "Mele'ah Ketores" indicates that there is only spoon. 1


Moshav Zekeinim #3: We learn from "Achas Mele'ah Ketores" that, just like it is one, it makes [all the Ketores] one.


Moshav Zekeinim: And we do not learn it from "Ka'aras Kesef Achas" in Pasuk 13, which is superfluous, seeing as "Mishkalah" is singular, because it is preferable to learn it from "Kaf Achas" - since "Achas" is written next to "Kaf", without any word in between.

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