
Why does it say that her neck resembles Migdal ha'Shen?


Refer to 4:4:1:1.


Rashi: The Heichal and Mizbe'ach are erect and tall. Also Lishkas ha'Gazis is made for strength and protection, like an ivory tower.


Seforno: This is the Kohen Gadol - he is second to the king, just like the neck is under the head. An ivory tower has esteemed appearance, but not taste or smell. It has gold and silver, but no Ru'ach!


Malbim (Melitzah): The neck represents the rule of the Nefesh over the body and its power of arousal. It is like an ivory tower, from which they fight enemies in the gate. Also, from there it rules over bodily powers to crush them under its feet (4:4).


How are her eyes "Berechos b'Cheshbon Al Sha'ar Bas Rabim"?


Rashi #1: They flow with water 1 . So her eyes Al Sha'ar Bas Rabim - Chachamim, when they sit in the gates of Yerushalayim, the city of Bas Rabas Am (many people), and engage in calculation of Tekufos and Mazalos, "Chachmaschem u'Vinaschem l'Einei ha'Amim" (Devarim 4:6).


Rashi #2: Berechos are litters of doves, like a Mishnah (Bava Basra 80a) 'one who buys doves [that will be born] in a dovecote, he pardons the first Berechah' (to ensure that the parent birds will remain in the dovecote).


Seforno: Her eyes are Chachamim of the generation. They go to give water to their flock and their Talmidim in Cheshbon; it is in Ever ha'Yarden, close to the borders of the Kena'anim. They can escape quickly to their lands from the decree of Yanai and his Chachamim.


Malbim (Melitzah): These are eyes of the intellect, which sees, calculates, counsels and investigates all bodily matters. They are like ponds in which water gathers. So all sensations that the senses gathered via the guard's power, they gather there. They think and tell all ways of the body, its actions, benefits and losses. They should stand Al Sha'ar Bas Rabim - the gates of Yerushalayim, the body in which many gather, the legions of the body and its multitudes. They receive the command and conduct of the Nefesh and its calculations. However, after death "Aye Shokel Aye Sofer" (Yeshayah 33:18), "Ein Ma'aseh v'Cheshbon v'Da'as bi'Sh'ol" (Koheles 9:10).


Malbim (Mashal): They flow with moisture and freshness. They should be in the gate of Rabim, in the city "Kelilas Yofi" (Yechezkel 27:3), and not in the desolate Midbar!


Berechah is a pond, i.e. still water! Perhaps Berechos in the city Cheshbon flow. (PF)


How is her Af like a tower of Levanon?


Rashi: We cannot say that Af is the nose - not in simple meaning, nor in a metaphor. A long erect nose like a tower is not praise or beauty! Rather, it is the singular of Panim (face). It does not say Apayich, for it discusses the forehead, which is the primary recognition of the face - "Hakaras Panim Ansah Bam" (Yeshayah 3:9). Surely this refers to the forehead, for the verses go from below to above, and the eyes were mentioned before this. Also the nations praise Yisrael "Mitzchacha Chazak Le'umas Mitzcham" (Yechezkel 3:8) - Yisrael is firm 1 against those who come to do evil to Yisrael or entice them.


Seforno: The goal of those who remained in the land was in the choicest part of Eretz Yisrael - the navel. He looks towards Damesek, in Chutz la'Aretz. So when they were in Eretz Yisrael their heart turned to go to Chutz la'Aretz, due to the evil of those who dwelled in it.


Malbim (Melitzah): Af is the investigative intellect. It is the face of the Nefesh and its form (understanding). It is like a tower of Levanon, from which one sees all the trees in Levanon. From [the investigative intellect] one understands and contemplates all acts that Hashem established in His world, and all the trees that He planted in the garden of Levanon - the Klal of existence above and below.


Radak (Yechezkel 3:8): Yisrael does not fear the nations, and is not submissive to them.


Why does it say "Tzofeh Pnei Damasek"?


Rashi citing a Midrash: This is Beis Ya'ar Levanon. Shlomo appointed an overseer and counted the houses in Damesek.


Rashi: They look forward to when the gates of Yerushalayim will reach to Damesek. In the future, Yerushalayim will widen until Damesek.


Malbim (Melitzah): Damesek is a city outside Yerushalayim and outside the border of Yisrael, to the east. This is a metaphor for the investigative intellect - it looks with its investigations on the great city and the special Medinah - the Klal of the physical world, and everything found from the east to the west. (This is unlike the practical intellect, which looks only at the city of Yerushalayim - the body and its needs.) The investigative intellect also investigates and looks at the lower sensed world and all in it; Damesek, in Eretz Yisrael ha'Amim, without Kedushah, hints to this. After death, it will not understand physical matters.


Malbim (Mashal): It should face a settled city, and not a desolate Midbar. Why should the beautiful dwell alone in the Midbar?!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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