Who are "Ra'ei Goyim"?
Rashi: They are the worst Nochrim and cruel people.
Radak: They are Kasdim. It says about them "ha'Goy ha'Mar veha'Nimhar" (Chabakuk 1:6).
Malbim: They are the worst, lowliest Goyim.
What is the meaning of "v'Hishbati Ge'on Azim"?
Malbim: Their kings and officers will cease, and also Kehunah.
Why does it say "v'Nichalu"?
Rashi: They will settle others there.
Radak: This is profaning. It is Nif'al, from the root Chalal. Its grammatical form is like "v'Namasu he'Harim" (Michah 1:4).
What are "Mekadsheihem"?
Rashi: The palaces where they used to meet. It is an expression of a designated house.
Radak: This is like Mikdesheihem, but it is a different grammatical form, like "li'Msa'ev Goy" (Yeshayah 49:7) - an adjective.
Malbim: They conducted like the idolaters - the Kohanim were Mekadesh the nation. Whomever they touched was Kadosh - "v'Lo Yekadeshu Es ha'Am b'Vigdeihem", "l'Vilti Hotzi El ha'Chatzer ha'Chitzonah Lekadesh Es ha'Am" (44:19, 46:20), "Al Tigash Bi Ki Kidashticha" (Yeshayah 65:5). These [Kohanim] who were Mekadesh, their Kedushah will be profaned.