
Who says "Ki Hineni Mekim Es ha'Kasdim"?


Radak: The Navi says on behalf of Hashem.


What do we learn from "Hineni Mekim Es ha'Kasdim"?


Malbim: They will rise from their low level to rule over nations.


What do we learn from "ha'Mar veha'Nimhar"?


Radak: One who is rushed in his deeds, he does not properly decide what to do. Similarly, "u'Levav Nimharim Yavin La'da'as 1 " (Yeshayah 32:4).


Malbim: Sometimes a nation is elevated via flattery ? they draw other nations after them via soft words. However, they are a cruel nation! Sometimes it overpowers via intellect and strategies. They are Nimhar ? everything is without counsel or understanding!


That is a Brachah for the future. We infer that normally, Lev Nimhar does not understand. (PF)


What do we learn from "ha'Holech l'Merchavei Eretz Lareshes Mishkanos Lo Lo"?


Malbim: [Bavel] goes to the expanses of the land, to take over lands that are not its. Normally, those who conquer lands, they go east or west, to lands with a similar climate. [Bavel] will go to the ends of the lands, in the north and south, which have different climates. Sometimes it goes to a land based on a claim of inheritance from its fathers ? [Bavel] will want to take over places that it has no claim to them.

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