
What do we learn from "v'Nede'ah Nirdefah Lada'as Es Hashem"?


Radak: We will agree, and have one intent ? to pursue to know Hashem. This is like "Nede'ah Veineinu Mah Tov" (Iyov 34:4). Knowing Hashem is to do Mishpat and Tzedakah ? "ha'Lo Hi ha'Da'as Osi Ne'um Hashem" (Yirmeyah 22:16).


Radak citing his father: This is like David told his son Shlomo "Da Es Elokei Avicha v'Avdehu" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 28:9) ? first know Him, and afterwards serve Him. If he does not know the way of His unity ? how can he serve Him?! Only after v'Nede'ah (we know), Nirdefah (we can serve him).


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: We will know to pursue to know Hashem, for it is the secret of all Chachmos. Man was created only for this. However, one cannot know Hashem until he learns many Chachmos ? they are like a ladder to this highest level.


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Zerizus DH v'Yihyeh): One should be zealous to seek knowledge of Torah and the Creator.


Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 7): If one's desire for Avodas Hashem does not flame properly, he should make himself zealous ? external motion arouses inner Simchah, and desire.


Malbim: We will strive to understand truths of Hashem ? the ways of His Hashgachah, good and Chesed, until it will be clear to us like morning.


How will they know Hashem "k'Shachar Nachon Motza'o"?


Rashi: They will know Him truly like morning [it is clear when it comes out].


Radak citing his father: It will become clear to us, just like morning light is clear ? there are no clouds.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra: Initially, one understands Hashem via His deeds, like morning ? the light increases moment after moment until he sees the Emes.


Radak: If we will pursue to know Hashem, He will be to us "k'Shachar Nachon Motza'o", i.e. His light and good will appear on us.


Malbim: The more that we strive to know Him, knowledge of Him will be revealed more ? "v'Orach Tzadikim k'Or Nogah Holech va'Or Ad Nachon ha'Yom" (Mishlei 4:18). Just like morning light is revealed little by little, until the sun shines. So light of knowledge of Him and His salvation will appear on us.


What is the comparison to rain?


Rashi: Like rain, that comes to be life for the world. Then, He will come to teach life that will come to us.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra #1: Hashem will help him and teach to him the Emes ? "Ya'arof ka'Matar Likchi" (Devarim 32:2).


Radak citing Ibn Ezra #2: The cure will come to us from Hashem, like rain ? one does not hope for rain from a person (only from Hashem).


Radak: Just like rain revives dead dormant] seeds, so man in pain is like a Mes. When salvation comes, it is as if he is revived from his death.


Malbim: Just like rain comes via preparation of the ground ? moist vapors rise from the ground to the Raki'a ? "Im Yimla'u he'Avim Geshem Al ha'Aretz Yariku" (Koheles 11:3). Via our deeds ? arousal from below, Hashem brings down for us rain of Nedavah ? rain of Sechel and salvation.


Why does it add "[k'Malkosh] Yoreh Eretz"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: Yeraveh (He will satiate) the land. Radak ? the letters of Yoreh are reversed (it means Yeraveh).


Radak: The matter is repeated. Just like Malkosh and Yoreh (the late and early rains) come to the land so [the salvation] will come to us.


Malbim: If it will not come immediately like rain that comes in its time, it will come at the end of days, like Malkosh, which satiates the land and makes it sprout.

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