
What do we learn from "va'Eshma Es Kol Hashem"?


Radak: This shows that this was the beginning of his prophecy, like I explained at the beginning of the Sefer 1 .


Malbim: This explains the metaphor above. Touching the coal to his mouth refer to arranging in his mouth the words from here until the end of the Parashah. This entire Dibur was via the angel.


Rashi said so (refer to 1:1:3:1); I did not find Radak say so there. (PF)


For what did Hashem seek a Shali'ach?


Rashi (from Pesikta d'Rav Kahana Nachamu 125): To rebuke Yisrael. He sent Amos, and people called him Pasilus, because he had a speech impediment. He prophesized two years before the Ra'ash, and people said 'Hashem abandoned the world, and put His Shechinah on this one with impaired speech! 1 '


Radak (from Vayikra Rabah 12): He is called Amos, for he was Amos bi'Lshono (stammered). Hashem sent Michah, and they hit him on the jaw - "ba'Shevet Yaku Al ha'Lechi Es Shofet Yisrael" (Michah 4:14).


What is the meaning of "[Mi Yelech] Lanu"?


Radak: [Who will go] for us. It says Lanu (first person plural), as if Hashem consults with the Serafim. The same applies to "Havah Neredah" (Bereishis 11:7).


Why did he say "Shalcheni"?


Malbim: Every Shelichus has two requisites. (a) The Meshale'ach is pleased with the Shali'ach, and considers him proper for the Shelichus. (b) The Shali'ach agrees to do the Shelichus. "Shalcheni" teaches that I agree 1 - send me, if I am acceptable to You!


Radak (from Vayikra Rabah 12): Hashem told him 'My children are troublesome. Do you accept to be disgraced?' Yeshayah accepted - "Gevi Nasati l'Makim" (below, 50:6).

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