
Why does it say "b'Hibanaso"?


Gra: It built itself 1 . The rocks set themselves on the building. See how glorious and honored was the building - even converts, Ruchos, and demons helped, and the rocks set themselves in place! Even so, it took seven years to build it, and the verse (Mishlei 22:29) testifies that Shlomo was not slothful about building it!


Shemos Rabah 52:4 learns this from our verse.


What is the meaning of "Even Sheleimah Masa"?


Rashi (citing R. Yehudah, Sotah 48b): Just like the rocks were uprooted from the mountain via the Shamir (a worm that can cleave rocks) so they were built into the Bayis, without using iron. Radak - he used it to cleave all the rocks for the Bayis. Moshe used it to write on the Avnei Efod, and with it [He 1 ] carved out the first and second Luchos. This is a tradition; one may not question it!


R. Nechemyah (Sotah 48b): They cut the rocks outside, and brought them in [and built them into the Bayis without further cutting].


Malbim: This explains why they needed Migra'os . They could not use small stones to make cavities to rest the ends of the beams in them, for only whole rocks were used.


Radak's words imply that the same one carved out both sets of Luchos. Hashem carved out the first, and Moshe the second Shemos 32:16, 34:1)! Also, "Ma'ase Elokim Hemah" implies that it was only via Hashem. Also the letters were written "v'Etzba Elokim", and not through any other agent (Ha'Kesav veha'Kabalah 31:18)! (PF)


What are "Makavos"?


Rashi: They are chisels.



Rashi writes that they used the Shamir worm to cut the rocks. From where did they get it?


Radak citing Shochar Tov 78: "Va'Ydaber

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