
Seeing as the Sotah only drinks the water after the Minchah has been burned, as the Torah states clearly in Pasuk 26, why does the Pasuk insert it here?


Rashi: To emphasize - via the phrase "u'Va'u vah ha'Mayim ha'Me'arerim" - that, although the Torah only mentions stomach and thighs, in fact, her whole body will be affected by the water. 1


Rashi: And it mentions stomach and thighs, because those are the limbs with which she began to sin.


What are the connotations of the word "u'Va'u vah ... le'Marim"?


Rashi: The Pasuk means that the cursing water that enter into her will be for her damaging and bitter.


Ramban: Refer to 5:18:5:4.


Targum Yonasan: It means that the examining water will enter into her as a curse.


Having written "u'Vau ha'Mayim ha'Me'ar'rim ... " in Pasuk 22, why does the Torah repeat it here?


Sotah, 27b: Once for the Sotah 1 and once 2 for the adulterer. 3


See Torah Temimah, note 134, who discusses the question.


Targum Yonasan makes the same comment on the same words in Pasuk 27.


Rashi (in Seifer ha'Pardeis): As hinted in the word "ha'Mayim ha'Me'ar'rim", whose Gematriya is five hundred and ninety-six - which is equivalent to the number of limbs in their combined bodies. Refer to 5:22:2:1**.


What is the significance of the three things that examine the woman ? the water the earth and the writing?


Rashi (in Seifer ha'Pardeis): They represent the three things listed in Avos, 3:1, that prevent a person from sinning (which the Sotah did not apply) - the putrid drop (the water) from which one came, the location of earth and worms (the earth) to which one is going. and the fact that one will have to give Din ve'Cheshbon before the King of Kings. ("Vekasav lah es ha'Alos").

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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