
What is "va'Y'azekehu"?


Rashi: He fenced around it like a ring; the Targum of "ha'Tabaas" (3:21) is Izka. Radak - this is a circle that surrounds. One who wants to plant a vineyard, first he fences it, lest Chayos enter and destroy the vines. Malbim - a fence protects from damage from outside.


Rashi (7): He surrounded [Adam ha'Rishon] with the 10 Chupos mentioned in the Parashah of Chiram Melech Tzur (Yechezkel 28:13).


Radak: He dug it. This is like 'v'Ozek Tachas ha'Zeisim' (Menachos 85b). One who wants to plant a vineyard, he digs where the vines will be [planted].


What is "va'Ysalkehu"?


Rashi: He removed the stones from it; they are bad for vines. This is like "Sakelu me'Even" (62:10). Malbim - this protects from damage from inside the vineyard itself.


Rashi (7): He cleared the Yetzer ha'Ra from Adam, until he ate from the tree and the Yetzer ha'Ra entered him.


What is the meaning of "va'Yita'ehu Sorek"?


Rashi: These vines are better for planting than other branches. Radak - this is like "Netatich Sorek" (Yirmeyah 2:21). It is a vine that produces good grapes without pits. The Nimshal is, Hashem guarded Yisrael when He entered them into the land. The fence is the clouds around them. He removed the rocks, i.e. the seven nations from Eretz Yisrael. He planted the nation in the land - they are the choice planting, Zera Emes from Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov. They are proper to make good fruits!


Rashi (7): Adam's initial formation was from the place of the Mizbe'ach [in the Beis ha'Mikdash].


Rashi (7) and Radak, from Tanchuma Vayelech 2: Hashem added for Yisrael 606 Mitzvos to the seven that Bnei Noach are obligated in, like the Gematriya of Sorek.


Malbim: He planted it with space between the vines, to enable them to grow branches and sprigs.


What is "Migdal"?


Rashi: It is a winepress, to press the grapes.


Rashi (7): It is Nishmas Chayim from the Elyonim. (Hashem breathed it into Adam.)


Rashi (7) and Radak, from Targum Yonasan: It is the (Rashi - Mishkan and) Beis ha'Mikdash.


Radak: It is a tower, in order to guard the vineyard well (Malbim - from birds and thieves), and the wine that will be made in the winepress. So Hashem promised to guard Yisrael - as long as they will heed His voice and trust in His name, no evil will come on them. This is the strong tower - "Migdal Oz Shem Hashem Bo Yarutz Tzadik v'Nisgav" (Mishlei 18:10).


What is "Yekev"?


Rashi: It is the pit in front of the winepress to receive the wine. Every Yekev in Tanach is a pit, e.g. "Ad Yikvei ha'Melech" (Zecharyah 14:10); Yonason translates there 'until the pit of the King', i.e. the depth of the Okainus (great ocean). This is why it says Chatzev (dug), like "u'Voros Chatzuvim" (Devarim 6:11).


Rashi (7): He put in Adam a flowing spring - a source of Chachmah.


Rashi (7) and Radak, from Targum Yonasan: It is the Mizbe'ach (Rashi - and Shitin 1 ).


Radak: This refers to the Nevi'im - "Chatzavti va'Nevi'im" (Hoshe'a 6:5). One presses grapes in the winepress to fulfill in deed the intended fruit of the grapes (wine). So the Nevi'im teach Torah to Yisrael, so their deeds with Elokim and man will be good.


Sukah 49a: These are conduits from the Mizbe'ach to the depth below.


What is the meaning of "va'Ykiv La'asos Anavim"?


Rashi: My beloved hoped that this vineyard would produce grapes. Radak - this is because it was a good planting, from Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov, and He taught to them Toras Emes. It was proper that their deeds be good! However, they did bad deeds (Be'ushim).


Rashi (7): He hoped that Adam would thank and praise in front of Him.


What are "Be'ushim"?


Rashi: They are wild grapes.


Rashi (7): They are stinking matters - Adam blasphemed.


Rashi (7): They are bad deeds [of the 10 tribes].


Radak: They are bad grapes. So Rav Sadya Gaon explained "va'Yera" (Bereishis 38:10, like Targum Onkelos,) 'u'Va'ash'.


Radak citing Rav Hai Gaon: They are a species of bad grapes. In Ma'aseros (1:2) they are called Ovshim; the Aleph is before the Beis.

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