What is the significance of Hashem's hand?
Rashi: It is my Nes (a pole), a sign to bring exiles.
Why does it say "Esa El Goyim Yadi"?
Malbim: The last question (who brought them to my place) is answered first. I hinted to the nations to bring the exiles to their land.
What is "Nisi"?
Rashi: It is a pole, like "vecha'Nes Al ha'Giv'ah" (30:17). They put a garment at the top of the pole.
Why does it add "v'El Amim Arim Nisi"?
Malbim: Goyim are lower than Amim. For Goyim, it suffices for Hashem to raise His hand to bring the exiles. Amim do not heed Him, until 1 He raises the banner of war of Gog and Magog; there they will fall.
If Amim are better than Goyim, all the more so it should suffice for them that Hashem raised His hand! Also above (11:10, Bi'ur ha'Milos) Malbim implies that Amim understand before Goyim! This requires investigation. (PF)
What is "b'Chotzen"?
Rashi: It is in the garment over his bosom. This is like "Gam Chatzni Na'arti" (Nechemyah 5:13).
Radak: It is in his arm.
Malbim: It is a chair in which they carry officers.
Why does it say "u'Vnosayich Al Kasef Tinasenah"?
Alshich: Due to modesty, females are not taken b'Kasef (directly on the shoulder), rather, Al Kasef (in carriages) carried on the shoulder.
Malbim: The daughters fear to sit on the chair; they are carried on the shoulder 1 .
Perhaps he explains like Alshich, that they are carried in carriages on the shoulder. Or, female Goyim will carry them. (PF)