
What do we learn from "v'Hayu Melachim Omnayich [v'Saroseihem Menikosayich]"?


Radak: Kings will raise you. This is like "Ka'asher Yisa ha'Omen Es ha'Yonek" (Bamidbar 11:12).


Malbim: This answers the question 'who raised you?' Raising children requires a wet-nurse until he is weaned, and someone to raise and teach him afterwards. They will guard you from all harm, "Ka'asher Yisa ha'Omen Es ha'Yonek."


Why does it say "va'Yadata Ki Ani Hashem"?


Radak: You will know that I am Hashem, and everything is in My hand, to lower or raise. If you were low for many days, you will be elevated over all nations.


Malbim: This answers the question 'who gave birth to you? All my children were taken captive. Who freed you?' I, Hashem can do so.


Why does it say "Lo Yevoshu Kovai"?


Radak: You hoped for Me many days in Galus, and the Goyim shamed you, and said that you have no hope. This shame will cease!

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