
What is "ha'Gelilah [ha'Kadmonah]"?


Rashi: It is the eastern marsh.


Radak: Ha'Gelilah is the name of a district, like "Gelilos Peleshes" (Yo'el 4:4) and similar matters.


Malbim: It is the eastern sea.


Where is "ha'Aravah"?


Rashi: It is Yam Tiverya.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is a plain.


Malbim: It is Yam ha'Aravah.


What do we learn from "u'Va'u ha'Yamah El ha'Yamah ha'Mutza'im"?


Rashi: It is to Yam Sedom 1 , and to the Okainus ocean 2 . It is outside the settled [land], to surround the world. It is called Mutza'im because its water left twice 3 (Shekalim 6:2 (17a)).


Radak, based on Targum Yonasan: They go to the sea, to the great sea. I.e. they enter the sea, and from there to Yam ha'Gadol.


Radak: Perhaps part of the river goes to the eastern sea, and part to the western sea, like it says "Chetzyam El Yam ha'Kadmoni v'Chetzyam El Yam ha'Acharon" (Zecharyah 14:8). I.e. part of the river goes ha'Yamah, to the east ? "El ha'Gelilah ha'Kadmonah." "El ha'Yamah ha'Mutza'im" ? water will also go to the western sea.


Malbim: It will go to another sea, and from there to ha'Yamah ha'Mutza'im.


The text in Shekalim 6:2 (17a) is Yam ha'Melach. Kaftor v'Ferach (11), Malbim (Bereishis 13:10) and others equate it to Yam Sedom, and so implies Radak (9). However, Machzor Vitri (attributed to Rashi) 293 counts Yam Sedom and Yam ha'Melach as two of the seven seas of Eretz Yisrael.


Chazal did not distinguish the oceans; all are included in Okainus. (PF)


I.e. it flooded people in Dor Enosh and Dor ha'Flagah (ibid).


Which waters will be cured?


Rashi citing Tosefta Sukah 3:3: It goes to Yam Tiverya 1 Yam Sedom and Yam ha'Gadol to sweeten their salty waters.


Shekalim 6:2 (17a): Yam Tiverya is not salty! Rather, the water will go there to bless the water to grow many fish.


How was the water cured?


Rashi: It was desalinated.


Malbim: This is a Mashal. The water of Da'as will spread among two nations ? Edom and Yishmael. Yishmael dwell in the east, and Edom in the west. "v'Hayah ha'Yom ha'Hu Yetze'u Mayim Chayim mi'Yrushalayim "Chetzyam El Yam ha'Kadmoni v'Chetzyam El Yam ha'Acharon" (Zecharyah 14:8). These are the two classes that he saw in the Mashal ? one goes in Mei Birkayim and one goes in Mei Masnayim (4). Then they will drink the water of knowledge that go out from Beis Hashem and receive the true Emunah. They will be cured from the salt of Sedom that blinds the eyes with false Emuos. The water of knowledge will go also to Yam Sedom, which is a metaphor for those who are still sunk in idolatry; Mei Afsiyim hints to them. Also they will be cured from the salt, and see clear light. The water will go also to Yam Tiverya, the dwelling of Yisrael. There is it will be Mei Shachu, to cure the illnesses of their Nefesh. All will drink the water of knowledge; and Chachmah will enter them, everyone according to his preparation.

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