
What is the meaning of "Har'ifu Shamayim mi'Ma'al"?


Rashi: Tzedek mentioned in this verse, it dripped from Shamayim. I.e. it is from Me, to benefit you.


Radak: This is like flowing. The Kal conjugation is "u'Shchakim Yir'afu 1 Tal" (Mishlei 3:20). This is a metaphor for salvation that will come to Yisrael, as if angels come to help them.


Malbim: After clarifying that both good and evil come from Hashem, it explains why evil comes from Him. Really, He only influences good, but for one who is not prepared to receive it, it is bad. Rain is a metaphor for this. If the land was not plowed and seeded, rain harms it; it muddies and dirties the land without benefit.


All texts of Radak say u'Shchakim Ya'arfu Tal; he says 'it is like reversed, Yir'afu' (the Ayin and Reish are switched). If his text in Mishlei was Ya'arfu (and so Aruch (Erech Ras), Bechor Shor (Devarim 32:2) and some others cite the verse), why didn't he cite "Shamav Ya'arfu Tal" in Devarim (33:28)? In Sefer ha'Sharashim (Shoresh Araf), Radak cites "Shamav Yir'afu Tal", but then explains Ya'arfu! This requires investigation. (PF)


Why does it say "u'Shchakim Yizlu Tzedek"?


Malbim: Shechakim is higher than Shamayim. Abundant Tzedek flows from it to Shamayim below; from there, drops drip to the land. The influence is made small, according to the recipients' ability to receive.


What is the meaning of "[Tiftach Eretz] v'Yifru Yesha u'Tzedakah Satzmi'ach Yachad"?


Radak: Will increase salvation and Tzedakah that the land will sprout together. Even though the Trup (note) on Yesha is Zakef (this implies that it is not connected to u'Tzedakah), it is Samuch to u'Tzedakah. Therefore, it says v'Yifru (plural).


Malbim: The land can receive the influence from above only if it opens its mouth (it was plowed and seeded, so the rain will enter it). In the Nimshal, this is fulfilling Mitzvos Bein Adam la'Makom. Then, Hashem's Tzedek will bring salvation.


What does "Berasiv" refer to?


Radak: It refers to each of Yesha and Tzedakah.


Malbim: I arranged that [receiving good] depends on preparation of the recipients.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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