
Why did Yosef mention the Kavod that he received in Egypt?


Rashbam: He was telling his brothers that their father need not worry about coming down to Egypt, as he had the power to do good to him (and that no harm befall him). 1


Refer to 45:12:3:2.


Why does it say "Kol Kevodi"?


Malbim: Apart from authority, I have great honor. Sometimes people hate one who rules over them with cruelty, and they seek to take vengeance when they will have the chance. However, all love and honor me. 1


The Midrash which says that Yosef forced them to circumcise, implies that they feared him, but did not love him so much! Refer to 41:55:2:1 and the note there. (PF)


Why does it say "Asher Re'isem"?


Malbim: A visitor can see how much people esteem the ruler more than the ruler can see, for all flatter him in front of him. Apart from authority, I have great honor. Sometimes people hate one who rules over them with cruelty, and they seek to take vengeance when they will have the chance. However, all love and honor me.

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