
Why did Yosef inform his father in advance that he would settle him in the land of Goshen?


Ramban: Because he knew that he would not want to live in Egypt (the capital), close to the royal palace.


Malbim :These are four other reasons to descend here to Egypt; (a) "V'Yashavta" is a fixed residence - "va'Yoshev Yosef... va'Yiten Lahem Achuzah" (47:11). (b) You will be there alone, not among the Egyptians. (c) You will be close to me; Eretz Kena'an is far. (d) You, your sons and your flocks can be there - unlike in Eretz Yisrael, in which you are far from your flocks.


Ha'amek Davar: I will be able to expel its residents, and clear it out for you.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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