
What will be inheritance for them?


Rashi: Kehunah. Radak ? they will not have an inheritance of land in Yisrael like the Torah says ("Lo Yihyeh la'Kohanim? Nachalah Im Yisrael" - Devarim 18:1).


Malbim: It is what it says below ? "ha'Minchah veha'Chatas veha'Asham" (29). The Torah says "Zeh Yihyeh Lecha mi'Kodesh ha'Kodoshim Min ha'Esh Kol Korbanam l'Chol Minchasam ul'Chol Chatasam ul'Chol Ashamam" (Bamidbar 18:9).


Why does it say "Ani Nachalasam"?


Malbim: Even though Levi will receive a portion in the land in the future, Kohanim will not 1 ? "b'Artzam Lo Sinchal" (Bamidbar 18:20).


Kohanim will receive a portion - "Kodesh Min ha'Aretz Hu la'Kohanim", "veha'Leviyim Le'umas Gevul ha'Kohanim" (45:4, 48:13)! Malbim must mean like he says below (45:4), that they only will build houses to dwell in. It will not be an inheritance to make fields and vineyards, like the Leviyim. (PF)

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