
What did Yosef mean when he said, "Mah ha'Ma'aseh ha'Zeh Asher Asisem"? Why did he not just say, 'Lamah Genavtem...'?


Seforno: He meant that, what they did was not only wicked but also foolish, as they should have realized that they would never get away with it. 1


As he went on to explain (EC).


What did Yosef mean when he said, "Ki Nachesh Yenachesh Ish Asher Kamoni"?


Rashi and Targum Onkelos 1 : He meant that they ought to have realized that he would be able to work out in his deep wisdom who the culprits were. 2


Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: They ought to have realized that a ruler like himself, would be able to divine (via sorcery) who had stolen his goblet.


Ramban: Refer to 44:5:3:1.


Moshav Zekenim: When it was found with Binyamin, his brothers had hit 3 him on his shoulders, saying, "Thief, son of a thief (Rachel, who stole the Terafim 4 )"! Yosef said, do not harm him. He intended for good, to be Menachesh to find your brother whom you sold! 5


Oznayim la'Torah: He meant that this was not just a plain silver goblet, but the one that he used for divining; and he was not willing to forego the theft (as he had been regarding the money that was found with them).


Ohr ha'Chayim: He was explaining how he knew that they had it, to cover up for the fact that he commanded to put it in Binyamin's sack.


Malbim: You did not return the money due to honesty, but rather, amidst fear that I divine via my cup to know that you stole the money. Now you stole the cup, lest I be able to divine who stole the money!


Ha'amek Davar: He was careful not to say, 'I am (or will be) Menachesh,' for saying so can cause it to occur; like Yehu said "Yehu will serve [Ba'al very] much" (Melachim II 10:18 ) in order to trick and kill the idolaters - and in the end he himself served it! (Sanhedrin 102a). Rather, Yosef discussed "someone like himself."


Who translates "Nachesh" here as 'Badka' (whereas in Vayikra 19:26, he translates Senacheshu as "Senachshun" - '[Do not] divine').


Even though they had stolen the goblet with which he generally divines (Sifsei Chachamim).


We corrected the text based on Tanchuma 10. It concludes that due to this, Binyamin merited that the Shechinah dwell between his shoulders - "u'Vein Kesefav Shachen" (Devarim 33:12).


This implies that later, she openly admitted that she took them. Alternatively, the Terafim themselves talked - when she got off the camel and ceased to sit on them (refer to 31:34:151). (PF)


I.e. you have no reason to hit him, for he wanted to fix your sin. He will be my slave, for his noble intent does not justify taking my cup! (PF)


Why did Yosef say "Asisem" (plural)? Perhaps only Binyamin stole!


Malbim: Binyamin was not here at the time of the first theft (taking back your money 1 ). You cannot say that only he is a thief!


How would Yosef know about the first money? The overseer said that he received their money. Why would the brothers mention it to Yosef? Perhaps they needed to discuss the money found now, and they mentioned that also the first time, it was returned without their knowledge. This also explains why Yosef ate happily with them; at the time, he did not know about their theft. (PF)


Why did Yosef not mention returning bad in place of good, like the chaser did, nor the insult to his honor?


Ha'amek Davar: It is not honorable that he mention the good that he did for them. He needed to do so, for he wrongly suspected them. 1 He omitted the insult to his honor, for really, he is not the king, and he can pardon his honor.


Berachos 31b: One who incorrectly suspected someone must appease him.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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