
What is the meaning of "v'Chashalta ha'Yom v'Chashal Gam Navi Imecha"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: You stumble during the day, and the false Nevi'im with you, they stumble like at night.


Radak: This is said to Yisrael. Due to your deeds, you will stumble and fall. "Ha'Yom" ? your demise will come soon. This is like "v'Charah Api Vo ba'Yom ha'Hu" (Devarim 31:17), "ba'Yom ha'Hu Shoresh Yishai" (Yeshayah 11:10). This discusses false Nevi'im who make you stray. He will stumble with you, like one who stumbles at night in the dark.


Malbim: [The one who is rebuked] tells the Kohen 'you yourself stumbled in messed up ways, openly, in front of the sun. Also the Navi who rebukes with you, he stumbled in Aveiros at night!'


Why does it add "v'Damisi Imecha"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Your assembly is ashamed. Rashi ? Damisi is like "Nidmu Ami" (6), like one who is astounded, and has no answer.


Radak: I will cut off your Kenesiyah. No assembly will remain in Yisrael; they will be scattered in Galus, one here and one there. The Kenesiyah is called Em (mother). Damisi is cutting off, like "Ki Nidmah Kol Am Kena'an" (Tzefanyah 1:11), "Nidmo Nidmah Melech Yisrael" (below 10:15).


Malbim: Since also you (the Kohen and Navi) who teach and rebuke) stumbled to do evil, I, the nation and Kenesiyah, am like your mother (individuals are children of the nation; it is their mother). I learned from you to do like your deeds and abominations! This is "ki'Merivei Chohen" (4, how they quarrel with the Kohen).

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