
What is the comparison to "Parah Sorerah"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Like an ox that was fattened and rebelled, so Yisrael were wayward amidst eating and drinking. Radak ? Sorerah is deviation and changing from the norm. Also Ben Sorer u'Moreh and similar matters are like this.


Radak: They are like an evil cow, that contorts itself under the yoke so no one can plow with it. So Yisrael departed from their G-d ? they accepted the yoke of the Torah and Mitzvah that He commanded them, and twisted themselves from under the yoke, and cast off the yoke of Mitzvos.


Malbim: In the days of Yaravam ben Yo'ash, Hashem had mercy on Yisrael, Melech Aram destroyed them, and made them like earth to be trampled, and Hashem saved them via Yaravam. He returned the border of Yisrael from Levo Chamas until Yam ha'Aravah (Melachim II, 14:25). Then Hashem grazed them in a wide pasture ? He widened their borders. He thought that they will be like a lamb drawn after the shepherd, which does not separate from the herd to go to distant mountains. I.e. they will be drawn after Him, and not rebel against Him. They deviated like a deviant cow ? if one takes it to a wide pasture, it abandons the shepherd and distances from him. So they distanced from Hashem, who grazes them and widened their border.


How will Hashem graze them?


Rashi: They will have minimal pasture, like a lamb that grazes in a wide place 1 , unlike a fattened ox, that they stuff it with barley and vetch.


Radak: Had they not been wayward, Hashem would have grazed them abundantly, like sheep that graze spaciously, i.e. as they desire ? "Yir'eh Miknecha ba'Yom ha'Hu Kar Nirchav" (Yeshayah 30:23).


Malbim: Refer to 4:16:1:3.


I.e. the grass is sparse, so it must go far to get enough to eat.


Why does it mention a lone lamb?


Radak citing his father: "Keves" is a Klal for many lambs. This is like "va'Yhi Li Shor va'Chamor" (Bereishis 32:6).


Radak: Now He will graze them like a lone lamb in their land like a lone lamb in a wide place ? it screams and goes here and there, and it is not serene and does not graze.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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