
Why does it say "Shim'u Devar Hashem"?


Radak: Now the Navi returns to rebuke of the generation.


What do we learn from "Riv Hashem Im Yoshevei Aretz"?


Radak: I have a judgment with the residents of Eretz Yisrael. I gave to them the land on condition that they do Tzedakah and Mishpat. I stipulated that My eyes will be on the land "me'Reishis ha'Shanah v'Ad Acharis ha'Shanah" (Devarim 11:12). Since they do the opposite ? "Alo v'Chachesh" (2), also I will do the opposite of what I promised ? "v'Histarti Panai Mehem" (Devarim 31:17), "Te'eval ha'Aretz v'Umlal Kol Yoshev Bah" (below, 3).


Malbim: Hashem has a quarrel, but people do not. The nation says to the Nevi'im and those who rebuke them. They say, why do you quarrel and rebuke? Hashem has a quarrel with Yoshevei Aretz for sinning against Him ? why should a man quarrel Hashem's quarrel?! He can do so Himself, and pour His anger on everyone. A man should not be involved in His quarrel, nor rebuke.


Why does it say "Ki Ein Emes"?


Radak: No one does Emes, and no one speaks Emes. This is like Yirmeyah said "Im Yesh Oseh Mishpat Mevakesh Emunah v'Eslach Lah" (5:1). David said "Nasenu Es Nivlas Avadecha Ma'achal l'Of ha'Shamayim Besar Chasidecha l'Chayso Aretz" (Tehilim 79:2); there were Tzadikim among them, but they were few, and they hid, due to the majority, who were Resha'im, like it says in Yirmeyah.


Ma'alos ha'Torah citing Sifri Ekev 41: The punishment for [Bitul] Torah is greater than for [sinful] actions. "Ein Emes" ? words of Emes were not said 1 ? "Emes Kenei v'Al Timkor" (Mishlei 23:23).


Malbim: There are two kinds of Mitzvos. (a) Bein Adam l'Chavero ? the root is for man to do Emes and Chesed with his brother. This is not found, rather, the opposite! Also refer to 4:2:1:1.


Sifri 41: "V'Ein Chesed" ? words of Chesed were not said ? "Chasdecha Hashem Mal'ah ha'Aretz" (Tehilim 119:64). "V'Ein Da'as" ? words of Da'as were not said ? "Nidmu Ami mi'Beli Da'as" (below, 4:6).


Why does it add "v'Ein Chesed"?


Radak: All the more so there is no Chesed, for Chesed is above what is proper. One who does not do Emes and Mishpat, all the more so he does not do Chesed! This is like I explained "Lo Yimad v'Lo Yisaper" (2:1; if they cannot be measured, all the more so they cannot be counted)!


Refer to 4:1:3:2*.


In what way "v'Ein Da'as Elokim ba'Aretz"?


Radak #1: To do Mishpat and Tzedakah. This is like "Avicha ha'Lo Achal v'Shasah v'Asah Mishpat u'Tzedakah Az Tov Lo; Dan Din Oni v'Evyon Az Tov Lo ha'Lo Hi ha'Da'as Osi" (Yirmeyah 22:15-16).


Radak #2: It is investigation in knowing His Elokus.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: No one goes in fear of Hashem.


Refer to 4:1:3:2*.

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