
What is the meaning of "v'Hecheziku"?


Rashi: They will hold. Radak - this is like "v'Hachaziki Es Yadech [Bo]" (Bereishis 21:18).


Why will there be seven women on one man?


Rashi: There will be a multitude of widows; they ask him to marry them. Nebuchadnetzar decreed [that his soldiers] not have Bi'ah with a married woman, lest they be punished (Eichah Rabah 5:12), therefore women wanted to be called Eshes Ish.


Radak: This was in the days of Achaz. Pekach ben Remalyahu killed 120,000 men of Yehudah in one day - "Atzmu Li Almenosav mi'Chol Yamim" (Yirmeyah 15:8). "Seven" is not precise; verses often mention seven for a large number, e.g. "Sheva k'Chatoseichem 1 " (Vayikra 26:21), "Sheva Yipol Tzadik v'Kam" (Mishlei 24:16), "Al Even Achas Shiv'ah Einayim" (Zecharyah 3:9). It means many women.


Malbim: This punishment is Midah k'Neged Midah for their pride beforehand.


The Torah explicitly lists five punishments after this. In order to count seven, Rashi (verse 22) includes Shen Behemos and Chamas Zochalei Afar, which are mentioned in Devarim. (PF)


Why do they say "Lachmenu Nochel"?


Radak: A man is obligated to feed and clothe his wife. We will supply our own food and clothing, just take us for wives, so they will say about us 'they are Be'ulas Ba'al' (Malbim - to remove our shame 1 .)


According to the Midrash, it was lest soldiers want to rape them (refer to 4:1:2:1. - PF)


What is "Esof Cherpaseinu"?


Rashi: Cover (gather in) our shame. This is like "va'Asafto El Toch Beisecha" (Devarim 22:2). When a woman is married, people do not treat her like Hefker.


Radak: It is shameful for a woman to dwell without a husband.

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