
Why did she say "ha'Sha'alti"?


Malbim: One who pressures his friend, sometimes the latter will give to him temporarily, so he will desist from him. I did not ask from you. You gave to me. It should be a lasting gift!


What is the meaning of "Sashleh"?


Rashi: It is to cause a person to err. Radak - the Targum of Shegagah is Shalu (e.g. Vayikra 4:2). Why do I want a son, if he will not live?!


Had she told him "Lo Sashleh Osi"?


Rashi: She said "Al Techazev b'Shifchasecha" (verse 16).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I told you - if a viable son will be given to me, [fine]; if not, do not pain me!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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