
Why does it say "u'Vasar Alah"?


Radak #1: The flesh was on the sinews, for sinews are inside the flesh.


Radak #2: "Alah" means that meat grew. This is like "va'Ta'al Echad mi'Gureha" (19:3).


Why was there no Ru'ach?


Malbim: Akeidas Yitzchak explained that changes of nature can come via Nevi'im, but not putting Neshamos into bodies. Only Hashem does so. Therefore, when Eliyahu needed to revive the Tzarfis' son, he needed to pray (Melachim I, 17:21). Also here, the Ru'ach did not come via the Navi 1 .


Yechezkel only prophesized. He prophesized both about the body and the Ru'ach, and they came! (PF)

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