
Why does it say "v'Yashvu Al ha'Aretz"?


Malbim: They will dwell in the land in a fixed way; it will be an inheritance.


Why does it specify giving the land to Yakov?


Rashi: I gave it to him without borders 1 . Malbim ? also, Yakov saw the miracle that the stones united to become one stone 2 , just like the sticks became one stick. Also this was a Siman that Yisrael will unite to be one nation at the end of days. Then, they will have an inheritance without borders.


Radak: Avraham and Yitzchak had other sons who did not inherit the land. It was given to Yakov and his seed.


Shabbos 118b: Hashem told him "u'Faratzta Yamah va'Kedmah v'Tzafonah va'Negbah" (Bereishis 28:14).


Rashi (Bereishis 28:11) brings so.


Why does it add "Asher Yashvu Vah Avoseichem"?


Malbim: They will get what was promised to Yakov (an inheritance without borders), and where the Avos lived. The future border will be bigger, like it says below (Perek 47).


Why does it say "Ad Olam" and "l'Olam", and "Bris Olam" (26)?


Malbim: They will dwell on the land forever, Malchus Beis David will be forever, and the Bris between Hashem and them will not cease.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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