
Why does the Torah find it necessary to write, "v'Aholivamah bas Anah"?


Ramban: It is the way of the Torah to attach the name of a woman to her father. 1


As we find in the verse, "v'Es Dinah Bito" (46:15).


Why does the Torah write here, "v'Aholivamah bas Anah;" and above "Aholivamah bas Anah bas Tziv'on" (36:14)?


Ramban: In fact, there were two women named Aholivamah - the one here was the daughter of Anah, the son of Se'ir ha'Chori, whereas the one in 36:2 (the wife of Esav) was the daughter of Anah, son of Tziv'on (a cousin of the one mentioned here). 1


Ha'amek Davar: Refer to 36:24:153:1.


Also refer to 36:24:2:2. But according to the Midrash, there was only one Anah (and only one Aholivamah [Ramban]) Refer to 36:2:3:1 and 36:24:2:1. See also R. Chavel's notes on the Ramban.

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