
What are the implications of "Tavu es ha'Izim"?


Rashi, Seforno and Targum Yonasan: It refers to the specialized art of spinning the hair directly off the goats' backs. 1


Shabbos, 74b: Someone who does this on Shabbos however, is Patur, since it is not the way that one normally spins yarn.


What was the point of spinning the hair directly off the goats' backs?


Shabbos, 99a: Because this adds an additional sheen to the finished product. 1


As we find by various commodities, such as honey, Kasi'ah (a spice) and milk, whose quality suffers, albeit only slightly, when they are moved away from their original location (Seforno).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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