Why did Moshe bless Yehudah before Levi, who was older than Yehudah?
Oznayim la'Torah: In keeping with the Gemara in Horayos, which gives a king precedence over the Kohen Gadol, to whom the two B'rachos are referring. 1
See Oznayim la'Torah.
Why did Moshe juxtapose Yehudah - and not Levi - to Reuven?
Rashi #1 and Da'as Zekenim (in Bereishis 38:26: Because both of them were not ashamed to confess the sin that they perpetrated. 1
Rashi #2 (citing Sotah, 7b) 2 : Because throughout the forty years that Yisrael traveled in the desert, the bones of Yehudah were rolling in his coffin 3 due to the Niduy (excommunication) that he took upon himself. 4 Moshe therefore claimed 'Who caused Re'uven to confess, Yehudah 5 - as the Torah writes "Y'chi Reuven ... Sh'ma Hashem Kol Yehudah!" 6
Ramban: Refer to 33:6:3:1.
Rashi (in Iyov, 15:18 & 19): For which both were not expelled from their inheritance despite their sin and nothing prevented Moshe from blessing them, as the Torah states here (and for which Yehudah was rewarded with eternal Malchus) - as the Pasuk writes there "Asher Chachamim Yagidu ve'Lo Chichado me'Avosam; lahem Levadam Nitnah ha'Aretz] ve'Lo Avar Zar be'Socham"
See also Torah Temimah, note 24.
See Torah Temimah, note 25.
Rashi: See Mikeitz Bereishis, 43:9.
See Torah Temimah, note 26.
When he declared "Tzadkah Mimeni!" - Vayeishev Bereishis, 38:26. Refer to 33:7:3:5.
What are the connotations of "ve'Zos li'Yehudah"?
Rashi: Refer to 33:7:1:2.
Seforno, Da'as Zekenim, Riva and Rosh: Refer to 33:6:4:6. Moshe is conferring the same blessing upon the tribe of Yehudah as he did upon the tribe of Reuven
What was Moshe referring to when he said "Sh'ma Hashem Kol Yehudah"?
Rashi #1: He was referring to the Tefilos of David and Shlomo, 1 of King Asa before the Kushim, Yehoshafat before the Amonim 2 and Chizkiyah before Sancheriv.
Rashi #2, Seforno and Targum Yonasan: To hint at a B'rachah for Shimon 3 together with the B'rachah of Yehudah. 4
Ramban #1 (citing Targum Onkelos) and Targum Yonasan: It is a Tefilah that Yehudah
What was Moshe referring to when he said "ve'el Amo Tevi'enu"?
Rashi, Ramban (citing Targum Onkelos) and Targum Yonasan: He Davened that the kings of Yehudah should return safely from the battlefield.
What are the implications of "Yadav Rav lo"?
Rashi #1 and Seforno: It implies that Hashem Hands should fight his battles and avenge his vengeances'.
Rashi #2 (in Makos, 11b): It implies that Yehudah should have the strength to fight their battles on their own.
Ramban: Refer to 33:7:3:4. It refers to the disproportionate victories of Yehudah over the Cana'anim, where he captured far more territory than was their due, in order to supply Shimon 1 with his inheritance.
Seforno: ''You were the hands who fought on his behalf and may You continue to fight for him and to take revenge on his behalf'.
Oznayim la'Torah #1: Refer to 33:7:2:4. He was Davenning on behalf of David ha'Melech, who was subsequently surrounded by enemies on all fronts and who fought many battles on behalf of Yisrael.
Oznayim la'Torah #2: He was Davenning on behalf of Yehudah and Shimon, who had to fight together to capture and defend their territory - in the south, in their own defene and in defence of the whole of Yisrael.
Sifri: It refers to when Yehudah killed Eisav. 2
Refer to 33:7:3:5.
Ramban: Who received his portion in the midst of Yehudah's territory, as the Pasuk writes in Yehoshua, 19:9. Refer also to 33:7:3:2*.
As opposed to the Midrash which attributes the killing of Eisav to Chushim, the son of Dan. See Torah Temimah, note 29.
Why did Moshe add "ve'Eizer mi'Tzarav Tih'yeh"?
Rashi: It is a Tefilah on behalf of Yehoshafat in Ramos Gil'ad. 1
Seforno: Refer to 33:7:5:4. 'And may You (Hashem) help them against their enemies who come to fight with them'.
Refer to 33:7:3:5.
Rashi: As a result of which the Pasuk writes in Divrei Hayamim 2, 18:31 that Yehoshafat cried out to Hashem and Hashem answered him. See Ba'al ha'Turim DH 'Sh'ma Hashem.
Rashi (citing Sotah 7b) writes that Yehudah's bones rolled in his coffin due to the Niduy that he accepted upon himself. But that was on condition that he did not return Binyamin, and it seems that he did return him, since Binyamin is listed among those who descended with Ya'akov to Egypt?
Makos 11b: That is because a Chacham's curse takes effect regardless of whether the condition is fulfilled or not. 1
Like we see by Achitofel, who died due to David ha'Melech's curse, even though the condition concerning his death was not fulfilled.
Rashi (citing Sotah, 7b) writes that Yehudah caused Re'uven to confess. But Reuven did Teshuvah already before they sold Yosef (Bereishis Rabah), before Yehudah confessed?
Moshav Zekenim: although Reuven's Teshuvah before Yehudah's was done discreetly, He confessed to his father only after Yehudah confessed. 1
Moshav Zekenim: Even though he already confessed to his brothers (he told them why he was fasting and wearing sackcloth), this is not called considered a confession as long as he did not confess to his father - as in Iyov 15:18.