
Yaakov said that he must go slow due to the animals. Also Esav, who accepted the gift, has animals!


Hadar Zekenim: "The children" and "Tzon" both refer to Yisrael. Yaakov said that they cannot bear the harsh judgment of Gehinom. I will go slowly - endure exile in this world, until I come to Se'ir, i.e. the day of judgment.


Esav did not have the patience to go slow, even if going quickly could cause the death of his animals (PF).


Oznayim la'Torah: The question is confined to the baby camels that he sent him, not to the fully-grown animals. 1 Neither does it apply at all according to the opinion that translates "Beneihem" as "Bana'eihem. 2 In answer to the question, either the older camels carried their babies. 3 or camels are capable of traveling long distances from the day they are born.


Oznayim la'Torah: Whereas Yaakov was worried about the many lambs that his flocks contained.


Refer to 32:16:1:1.


Oznayim la'Torah: It is not for nothing that camels are referred to as 'Sefinas ha'Midbar.'


Yaakov said that he must go slow due to the children, cattle, and flock. Why did he conclude "all the flock will die"?


Ha'amek Davar: If the children and cattle are forced to go too fast, they will get sick, but can heal. If the flock is forced, "all the flock will die."

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